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State of Nebraska

Norfolk Regional Center

Window Replacement


The Norfolk Regional Center Window Replacement Project had two main objectives in replacing 634 window units: energy efficiency and durability. The least energy efficient part of a building envelope was the glazing and the existing windows at the Regional Center were single-pane glass in an aluminum framing system. We were originally instructed not to use wood windows, as they are not durable enough to take the abuse of the patients, and we could not use aluminum windows, as they were not energy efficient. We researched several frame/hardware systems and glazing systems and through our research, we were able to find a new aluminum window with the same high energy efficient rating as the fiberglass. We proposed that the owner install the two systems as test installations for their review. We bid both units and the aluminum windows were the low bid due to their ease of installation. Additional steps were taken to ensure a quality installation. We specified independent air infiltration and water penetration testing of several of the units.


November 2009

Norfolk, Nebraska

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